WEBINAR – Heating & cooling planning at local level: step it up!

Heating and cooling will play a decisive role in the long-term decarbonisation of Europe’s energy system: the sector is responsible for 51% of final energy use in Europe and about 27% of CO2 emissions – only 19% of the heating and cooling final energy demand is coming from renewable sources. Considering the increased level of ambition recently set by the EU institutions with the Clean Energy Package, cities will have to green their heating and cooling.

European and international institutions recognise the importance for heating and cooling planning to achieve ambitious results. Local governments are aware this sector is key if they want their cities to be sustainable in the long term. However, a lot of knowledge and information is needed in order to develop heating and cooling strategies at local level (heat demand density, renewable energy potentials, load profiles, excess heat sources…). Luckily, new tools and technologies are available to support planners in this process while making it much faster.

This webinar will present three tools, developed in close collaboration with local authorities all over Europe in order to best fit their needs: HOTMAPSPLANHEAT and THERMOS!

Below some of the questions you could answer thanks to these tools:

  • What is the heating and cooling demand in the specific area?
  • Are the surrounding renewable and waste heat resources enough to cover the demand?
  • What are the costs of different technological solutions?
  • What would be the optimal district heating and cooling network to satisfy my planning criteria?